



Saturday, October 5, 2013


4.10.13 - 

Finally I've finished my last trial exam in Form 6.
Seriously, I'd put a lot of effort in this exam and as usual, aiming for 4 flat although I know it's hard to achieve.
Anyway I know I'm not manage to get 4 flat after the test finished. 
Yea I know right, I did a lot of silly and careless mistake in the exam that I did not realize when I was answering the question. 
So, 3.8 maybe? Hopefully LOL

I used to aim higher so that I have the reason to push myself to work hard. 
Although most of the time it's one of the reason I being so stress.
But for me it ain't a bad thing.
Well, I did felt disappointed when my target wasn't achieve but I'm so lucky because I have friends and family who always give their support to me.
I always believe that what doesn't kill us make us stronger.

In Form 6, things always happen beyond our control. 
Besides hard work, we need luck sometime.
A very good example was my MUET result. 
I got Band 3 and the marks I obtained was 179.
Yet band 4 required 180 marks. 
I only need one more mark in order to up my grade to Band 4. 
I was so desperate when I knowing the result although I don't think MUET is important at the first place.

And then Account.
It WAS one of the subject I always proud of.
I got no account basic in Form 4&5 yet I manage to get an A in both Semester 1 and 2 papers.
But when it comes to Semester 3, it isn't go like what happened in Semester 1 and 2.
The test before trial - UB 3, I only get around 45% for my account paper.
I saw teacher's record book.
I always get A for account in Form 6 in both Semester 1 and 2 no matter it's monthly test , trial or the real exam. 
But I'm not able to maintain the A record in semester 3.
I don't know what's going wrong but I think I did better in the trial this time.
I just hope that I can get at least A- for this trial and achieve and A in the real exam.

Oh ya.
One thing I have to mention, about my friend.
I have one friend.
We had a lot of topic to talk with and err she treated me as a sister, yea is a she , and I treated her as a brother. 
And then recently, suddenly, I don't know what's going on, she refuses to talk to me and I don't know why.
I appreciate every single friendship I had.
If you're reading, and you know this is you,
Please tell me what's going on and what mistake I have made. 
Maybe I did something or said something that hurt you ?
I'm sorry if I did.
Just lets everything back to normal. 
At least don't like a stranger ? 

that's all for today.
My first time write my blog post in English.
Feel free to correct the grammar mistake for me.
I will always accept it with open heart ^_^


  1. Maybe too stressout cause you cant maintain the gred.? face exam with "do my best and try my best" thinking, then wont be so tension. =P All the best! Best of luck to you.

  2. Maybe she has boyfriend? or boy who she fancy? hope your friendship last longer~~


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